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The space for big questions... and little ones

About physics? Can’t help you with that, I’m afraid. About mortgages? Ask whatever you like, and we’ll give you an answer

Acronyms and jargon are not our thing. We say it in plain language.

  • APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and is a financial term that can be defined as the interest rate that indicates the cost or effective yield of a financial product during the term established for the operation.
  • NIR stands for Nominal Interest Rate It is the percentage applied to the outstanding loan capital to calculate the interest that the borrower has to pay the bank or financial institution for the money lent. 
  • Acronym for ‘European Interbank Offered Rate,’ it is the interest rate at which the main financial institutions lend money to each another on the interbank market. One-year Euribor is the most widely used benchmark rate for variable rate loans, and is published monthly by the Bank of Spain.
  • Part of the price advanced by the buyer in a contract of sale as a guarantee that they will purchase the property.

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  • With clear explanations and large print.

  • Person-to-person. Leave your details today, and we’ll call you tomorrow.

  • Tailored to your circumstances, the mortgage that fits like a glove.